Monday, September 22, 2008

October 3rd First Friday

If you're out and about for October's First Friday, be sure to check out a new gallery called Queue Studio. I'll have a few pieces on display along with other local artists so I hope to see you there!

Friday, October 3rd

Queue Studio

218 N. Duke Street
Lancaster, PA 17602

Friday, September 12, 2008

Enjoy Art While Grocery Shopping

Receiving salary wages, benefits and stock options for creating chalkboard signs that actually make your shopping experience not so mundane!? What a great idea to employ artists for this task! Kudos to Trader Joe's and Whole Foods! I wish we had them in Lancaster so I could get a job like that. Read this short npr article and learn more about it.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Painting a Wall Mural

I stumbled upon this video today as I was researching whether or not to use acrylic paint or latex house paint for a mural I'm bidding out. If anyone has an opinion on what you prefer, I'd love to hear it. I've used both and know of pros and cons to either, but to bid out a job with acrylic is much more expensive than latex, so I'm stumped.

Anyway, enjoy the video! Hopefully it'll inspire some of you to finally do something with that ugly white wall in your home!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Another Baby Painting

A good friend of mine from San Diego, and her husband, commissioned me to do a painting for their new baby a few months ago. I knew I was going to be flying into San Diego at the end of August, so I was hoping to finish it by that time and take it on the plane with me to avoid shipping charges AND to see the couples faces when I presented the painting. Well, there's nothing like waiting till last minute, and I've found that I'm actually pretty good at it, so it wasn't a surprise that the morning of my flight I was still putting on the finishing touches. The worst part of doing that is never getting to actually enjoy the painting, so my husband and I were both pretty sad to see it go, but to see their reaction was well worth giving it up.

The painting is based on the song "The Sweetest Gift" and you can listen to it here. What a great song.