Sunday, October 26, 2008

New York Trip

I can't believe how bad I am at taking pictures off my camera. I've had this shot for over a month and completely forgot to download it to my computer for the whole purpose of inspiration. How am I suppose to be inspired by it if I never actually save it and look at it again?! Well, I have now, and I thought I'd share it because it was the coolest piece of art I saw the whole day I was in New York with some friends of mine back in September. Isn't that pathetic? A whole day in NY and a store wall had more inspiration for me than any other gallery or museum we went to that day. Must have been an off day for that city, or I just chose all the wrong places to go to. Owell, it was so much fun just walking around the city, I didn't care all that much.

Below is a picture of the fun girls I went with.

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